Nils Erik Wickberg Lectures 2020: History and Wellbeing. Sound foundations for architecture

30 lokakuun, 2020

Since Antiquity, good life and wellbeing have aroused numerous intellectual writings, and during the recent decades, also a new flower in the garden of scholarships. Wellbeing, reflected in design, architectural texts and pamphlets during the past centuries, opens new windows and doors to reconsider the very foundations of architecture as an aesthetic, social and technological phenomenon. The lectures of the seminar offer a glance to the scope and role of wellbeing in the history of architecture, in the times past, and our present and future, inextricably rooted in the history.

Aalto University
Friday 30 October 2020 at 12-17 at Zoom

Nils Erik Wickberg -luennot järjestetään aiemmasta ilmoituksesta poiketen vain etänä Zoomissa pandemiatilanteesta johtuen. Tilaisuuden Zoom-linkki löytyy täältä.



Welcome, why Wellbeing?  – prof. Laura Arpiainen

History, Wellbeing, Wickberg – prof. Panu Savolainen


Place of architecture – Buildings as institutions and institutions as buildings – Laura Berger




Being Well in Urban Public Spaces – Johanna Lilius

Traveling in Schwaben with Nisse – a film from 1990 – Sirkkaliisa and Jari Jetsonen

Diverse living, transformation of Mustamäe apartments – Ko Ai


Designing for Wellbeing – Morten Gregersen


Organized by Nils Erik Wickberg committee, Department of Architecture, Aalto University

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