LOBE seminar – Loneliness and the Built Environment: Philosophical, Societal and Technological Perspectives

16 joulukuun, 2019
Tampereen yliopisto, Hervanta campus, Rakennustalo RO107 auditorium

Welcome to the LOBE seminar – Loneliness and the Built Environment: Philosophical, Societal and Technological Perspectives at Tampere University BEN Faculty on December 16th!

The seminar is held in English.
Admission is free but requires registration in this link.

Organised by SPREAD research group [Fernando Nieto, Rosana Rubio]

Included at Tampere University research initiative on Sustainable Welfare Systems

Seminar schedule:

12.00 Welcome words by Antti Lönnqvist, Dean of the Faculty of Built Environment

12.05 Introduction to the seminar by Associate Professor Fernando Nieto and Postdoctoral Research Fellow Rosana Rubio

12.15 Keynote lecture by Prof. Ben Lazare Mijuskovic, California State University, Dominguez Hills [Philosophy & Psychology]

13.10 Keynote lecture by Prof. Christina R. Victor, Brunel University London [Health & Society]

14.05 Coffee break

14.30 Keynote lecture by Prof. Juhani Pallasmaa, Aalto University Helsinki (Prof. Emeritus) [Architecture & Perception]

15.25 Round table with the speakers moderated by Fernando Nieto & Rosana Rubio

16.30 Seminar ends

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