Finnish Association of Architects appoints Asko Takala as Chair

At its meeting on 12 December, the Finnish Association of Architects’ (SAFA) Delegates Council confirmed the appointment of Asko Takala as the organisation’s new Chair. Asko Takala is known for his long-standing and committed contribution to residential design and to promoting the architectural profession.
“Our association is only as strong and effective as our membership makes us. Let’s all work together to sustain what works and bring change where change is needed to ensure that all SAFA members feel that getting involved and staying involved is worth it,” Asko Takala said.
Since his days as a student, the incoming Chair has held several roles within SAFA, and he previously served as the Chair of the Association of Finnish Architects’ Offices (ATL). In his private practice, Asko Takala runs Sivén & Takala together with his business partner Kirsti Sivén.
SAFA’s new Vice Chairs are Elizaveta Parkkonen and Raine Vihelmaa. They are joined on the 2023 SAFA Executive Board by Verna Hahtola, Jenni Hölttä, Janne Pihlajaniemi, Juha Päätalo, Mona Schalin, Rosemarie Schnitzler, Ulla Vahtera, Sami Vikström and Mari Virtanen.