The new collective agreement for the architectural design sector now available in English

The new collective agreement for the architectural design sector is finally available also in English.You can find it here next to the Finnish version. The authorities translate all the collective agreements also into Swedish. The Swedish version can be found here. The English or Swedish version will not be printed, but the Finnish version has been published as a print.
Converting holiday bonus into holidays
The collective agreement does not make it possible to convert the holiday bonus into holidays. If you have a need for extra holidays, you can always try to agree about an unpaid leave with the employer.
The employers may have to furlogh people in these corona times. It is good to know that in practice it is more beneficial to be furloughed than to take an unpaid leave or to exchange holiday bonuses for time off.
The temporary law changes regarding furloughs and unemployment benefits to be extended
The temporary law changes regarding furloughs and unemployment benefits will most likely be extended till the end of the year 2020. Originally the changes were valid till the end of June. The extention will be decided at the same time as the additional national budget is being approved. If the temporary law changes will be extended, the temporary changes to the collective agreement will be automatically extended as well.